First project done!!!

(Well, it’s not really done because I’m still writing this blog haha)

I can’t believe six weeks had past and I will be hand in the final out come shortly. In the crazy past one and a half month, I’ve done all the workshop induction, visited lots of galleries and museums with my friends or alone, borrowed books and DVD from the library, spent my whole day working on shooting and editing……regardless of how the result is, I’m actually quite impressed by myself because I managed to do all these strange new things while fitting in the new life in London.

But I’m also feeling not very confident for what I’ve achieved. I’m not talking about the result, but the process. I was never a hard-working enough student, and I like sitting there thinking instead of getting on doing something, and that’s what I did most in the project. Although I did visited a lot of places, I didn’t manage to link them to my project or draw inspiration from others’ work very well. Also, I didn’t get into workshops until the last week of this project because I was constantly changing my idea and didn’t get to plan it really well.

At the same time, I’m glad that this project revealed my problems, and I also found out how efficient I can be if I know what I’m doing(take the last week as an example). That’s the advantage that I should keep. What I do have improve is how I manage my time, like make a plan before I start, spend more time doing research etc. Also I need to learn from others’ work instead of just looking at them thinking whether I like them or not, thinking about Why I like(or not)it, and how did it manage to make me like it is also important.

Research time!!!

Decided to use this type face called Bertram to create my own scrabble V using laser cutter.

Cutting is finished!

Looking good after colouring.

Wondering how it looks before editing? Here’s the original photo!!!

V for victory!!


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