In the end… (very end)

I wouldn’t called this project a success but I don’t doubt this is another exciting experience (sadly the last on in this course). Since September 2018, I witnessed myself turning from a kid who only knew to draw what she saw to a (kind of) real art student who knows to see, research, develop my own ideas and visualise them.  I always found it hard to look at other artists’ works and get inspirations from them, but after the last project, which was heavily inspired by the artist Ellsworth Kelly, I think I improved this skill more and I certainly used it for this project and did a quite detailed secondary research. And I kept my promise to myself and finally did a screen printing! It’s not a perfect work, not even the best work that I have done, and I didn’t get to use it in my final outcome, but I had fun doing it and I love it so much (partly because it’s the work that kind of got me in my dream BA course). And as I’m going to do Production Design next year, I did some models for my film. Again, none of them appeared in the film at the end, but this experience was really interesting, also gave me the sense of how hard to design suitable props to help the story. Also, I think I did a good job collaborating with other people, which is a big progress for myself.

Just like every time when I finished a project, I have a lot of regrets despite the relief of finishing the hard work. For this one, the biggest regret is that I didn’t succeed in developing a more interesting way of visualisation as I planned at the beginning. And to be honest, the final outcome looks kind of  similar to the last one I did. But on the other hand, I tried my best and realised how hard it is to combine good story with good and interesting visualisation, which now become one of the most important goals for my future study.

It’s kind of sad that this will be the end of this course and this film is not really the best I can do to give this period of my life a good ending. But it might be a good start for something else and I can’t wait for it to come.

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