Workshop adventures

To be honest, I have never done anything close to these cool workshops before. So, everything happened so suddenly and I entered this new world of art and design without any mental preparation.

In the past few weeks, I’ve done the thrilling and technique required screen printing, fun and variety of methods available printmaking, letterpress, which is much harder than I expected, and my favorite photography(simply because I like photography), also the useful and fun 3D workshop. Although all I learnt in these rather short courses is basically what are those weird looking machines and what do they do, but it is a very good start of working and studying, as well as doing experiments at school in the future.

What’s more, attending these workshops changes my opinion towards creating art. I always focused on the concept when I try to do work—I mean, concept is important as well, and to express our feeling with the art work is kind of a final goal. But we can’t just concentrate on building the big concept without doing any specific work. And doing the workshops made me realize that except learning theory and thinking, it’s important to do practice as well. And obviously I have much to learn in terms of that.

Apart from gaining some technique and experience from the workshops, I also met some interesting people. Simon in the screen printing workshop is so caring, always checking if we’re handling the work and if we had breakfast. And I was very lucky that I got to screen print his excellent art work. (Also he didn’t get mad when I ruined it) Richard in rilef printing is so humorous and having class with him is more of a pleasure than a hard work. Weeks had past but I can still recall his dramatic face when we got our works out from the press and the funny “good danmmm!” It’s very cool to work with these people.

So looking forward to working in these workshop in the future!

 well I actually ruined them… Anyway it’s really fun doing it!

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