Unit9 Reflective blog

Unlike that I knew very quickly from the beginning what my set is gonna be, I actually struggled quite a bit with finding a prop/graphic to do for this set.

Also this special coffee filter. I even emailed a coffee museum in Vietnam to give me more information about the coffee culture at that time(to which they didn’t reply).
My notes from Claire’s talk… seems like my ideas are all a bit irrelevant (as in they are not a story point or anything), which got me considering something else.

And a chat with my friend Henrike inspired me to think about the murdered weapon. (It was her idea but she didn’t end up doing it so I stole it) However my concept isn’t set in a war, a piece of actual weapon might be a bit out of place. I had to think about other ways to kill king Duncan.

I had this staircase from 3d Warehouse as a reference, but started building my own because I didn’t think the shape of this one would fit in my set. But when I actually put it in, it looked really good!
And while I was looking at my old research for the set, I notice in this photo that there’s a lamp, and it came to my mind that one can use the fragment of glass to kill people. (OK I sound like a sociopath but it’s all for the project)
Hence this drawing
The kerosene lamp with Chinese style design
Photo bashing: I was thinking that it has to be portable so the character can carry in around, and the body is made of porcelain, there’s drawing on it so I can play with it.
More about the different parts and how they come together.
I made the base bigger.
Lady Macbeth cleaning the lamp
I added the fire and rendered the model! During one session, Steve mentioned that the lamp gets very hot and the flame is quite unstable so I was thinking during the shooting (especially when people are carrying it ) this might be replaced with electric light or CGI

I also started building the front. I’ve been thinking that the unique part about the shophouse is actually the front, the façade and veranda, and it’s a shame not having them in my set. Also, Claire has been saying I should just add it, so people would have an idea how people move in and out in this house.

My rough plan for the whole building.
I painted and added signs on them in photoshop. Not too bad!
Also if you’re wondering… The houses on the two sides are just pictures I found. On set they are probably gonna be built as flats, so we can get the shots of someone entering the building, mixed with shots from the location. (I actually wish I could look into location adaptation for that)
Walk through of the set in sketchup
People liked it and Claire approved my red ‘stain’ idea, which made me really happy. Contextualizing the set/prop has always been something I enjoy doing, but yeah Claire said she was a bit worried that it’s too ambiguous, and so I found it difficult to be at the mid-point of being too obvious and too ambiguous. But it seems that it worked well this time.

Am I happy? Yes. Especially with my prop, I manged to find something not too basic, involved in the story and has different stages which I can play with. Also I think I did a pretty good job in Blender as a beginner! With my set there’s obviously more to play with but for now I’m really happy with the renders and they really convey the delicate and mysterious feeling I aimed for.

And finally, fair well Macbeth, it’s been a fun journey!